Function Reference


Assigns a variable by name with the data.

Assign ( "varname", "data" [, flag] )



varname The name of the variable you wish to assign.
data The data you wish to assign to the variable.
flag [optional] controls the way that variables are assigned (add required options together):
0 = (default) Create variable if required
1 = Force creation in local scope
2 = Force creation in global scope
4 = Fail if variable does not already exist


Return Value

Success: Returns 1.
Failure: Returns 0 if unable to create/assign the variable.



If there is a need to use Assign() to create/write to a variable, then in most situations, Eval() should be used to read the variable and IsDeclared() should be used to check that the variable exists.



Eval, IsDeclared



Global $variable
If Assign("variable", "Hello") Then MsgBox(4096, "", $variable)    ; Will print "Hello"